Thursday, September 24, 2020

Complex Primary Total Hip Replacement (THR) in a 50 year old Gentleman, done for treatment of Severe Crippling Arthritis of Left Hip for Childhood Injury

The Hip joint of our body is a “Ball and Socket” joint, in which, the upper end of the thigh bone - the Femoral Head ( Ball), moves freely inside the socket Acetabulum (Cup), in the Pelvic bone. It bears the whole body weight while standing and walking. This joint moves so smoothly in many directions, helping us to stand, walk, run, climb stairs,sit on a chair, squat on the ground, and even sit cross legged( Padmasan). Arthritis is a problem affecting the hip joint , which leads to damage to the smooth surfaces of this ball and cup, and leads to pain in the hip joint region and restriction of the above mentioned normal movements, in varying degrees.As you all know , MOBILITY IS IMPORTANT FOR LIFE and Arthritis of Hip joint, leads to significant difficulty in doing day to day activities. Many reasons can lead to Arthritis, like Previous Injury to the joint, Infection, Reduced blood supply to the Femoral Head ( AVN), sometimes Defects of Hip joint which occur at birth and so on. It develops over many months or years. Recently, we treated a 50 year old Gentleman who had developed , severe Arthritic changes of Left Hip due to Childhood injury,who was severely crippled by pain, deformity and 7 cm of True shortening and 10 cm of apparent shortening, which had developed over nearly 45 years.In a 6 hr surgery , a COMPLEX PRIMARY TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT (THR) was performed in this patient by a team led by Dr. B. S.Murthy and assisted by Dr. V.A.Senthil Kumar. The patient’s Acetabulum (Cup)was reconstructed and Replaced with an Artificial Metallic Cup and Ball was replaced with a new Metallic Ball with a long stem, with a Subtrochanteric Femoral Shortening Osteotomy. See the photos, which are self explanatory.

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