Monday, March 21, 2022

Pott’s spine Surgery

Pott’s spine is a disease of the backbone in which there is TB infection of the backbone. It can present as a long standing backpain which keeps progressing slowly and may even lead to Weakness of legs (paralysis) , if it is not diagnosed and treated on time. In early stages it can be treated very well with ATT ( Anti Tubercular Treatment)Medications. But if the disease is advanced and has caused too much damage to the Vertebrae, and causing instability of backbone and severe pain, then fixation Surgery may be required, as seen in these pictures and videos. See in first video, how this young lady Patient is unable to walk straight, and suffering from severe back pain without neurological deficit, even after 2 months of ATT ,because of Spinal Instability. X rays done preoperatively show damage of L3 vertebra and L2/3 Pott’s spine. Introperative X Ray images show how the backbone units of Vertebrae (L2/3/4) were fixed with Pedicle Screws and rods. The last Video shows how she is walking comfortably, straight without pain, just one week after Spine Surgery. Hence, such patients can be treated successfully by timely intervention, medicines and with or without Spine Surgery, as per the situation.

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