Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Arthroscopic Repair of Buckethandle Tear of Meniscus and ACL tear in a sportsman.

India’s sports power is growing steadily in the world arena. Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics are testimony to this. Sports injuries limit the performance of any athlete( sportsperson).We strive to treat these injuries and bring the athlete back on the field, with same performance level as preinjury status. Arthroscopic Surgery is a boon for these patients. Following are pictures of Knee joint injuries in an Athlete and how we treated him. Bucket handle Tear of medial meniscus and ACL ligament tear is a deadly combination of sports injuries, especially football , hockey etc. Previously such torn meniscus used to be removed ( meniscectomy) . But now we preserve the meniscus and repair it( Arthroscopic Meniscus Repair) . Following pictures show Arthroscopic photographs of our patient with Medial meniscus Bucket handle tear and ACL tear and how it looks after ARTHROSCOPIC MENISCUS REPAIR AND ACL LIGAMENT REPAIR .

- Dr. V.A. Senthil Kumar

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