Director of Orthopedics in Max Superspeciality Hospital, Sector 128, Noida, Delhi NCR. He has 26 years of post M.S. experience in the field of Orthopedics.
Friday, December 25, 2020
Monday, December 21, 2020
3 month old injury to the Knee, in a 53 year old Gentleman,leading to ACL / PCL avulsion, treated treated by PCL bone fragment pull out suture fixation and ACL reconstruction done Arthroscopically.
Fracture of lateral end clavicle
Fracture of Clavicle ( Collar bone) is common in all age groups ( children to elderly).It is usually managed by Fig 8 bandage. But fracture of lateral end clavicle in adults is difficult to treat . The following are pictures of a young adult patient of Lateral end clavicle displaced fracture fixed by tightrope. Good radiological healing and function at 6 weeks.
Pott’s spine
Tuberculosis of Cervical Spine is more common in Children than adults. Physicians call it as Pott’s Spine. It can be treated by TB medicines over 12-18 months period. A 11 year old child came in May 2020, with severe neck pain undiagnosed for 4 months. MRI showed C7-D1 Pott’s spine with large prevertebral and para vertebral abscess. ATT( Anti TB Treatment with Brace support) has completely healed the abscesses in 6 months .Displayed here are initial and latest MRI pictures showing significant healing and complete resolution of Pus in pre and paravertebral region of Cervicodorsal spine.
Initial MRI showing the pus collection ( yellow arrow mark)
MRI pictures done while on treatment (6 months on ATT) after showing significant healing and complete resolution of Pus( yellow arrowmark) in pre and paravertebral region of Cervicodorsal spine.ATT continued.