Wishing you all a very Happy Diwali.
Director of Orthopedics in Max Superspeciality Hospital, Sector 128, Noida, Delhi NCR. He has 26 years of post M.S. experience in the field of Orthopedics.
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Low Back Ache, Sciatica and Slipped Disc are common problems faced by people all over the World.
Low back Ache is experienced by the 70% to 80% general population , at lest once in their lifetime. 5-10% of low back ache patients suffer from a condition called “Sciatica”, which is the name given to leg pain radiating from lower back to the calf and foot. 90% of all Sciatica is due to “Slipped Disc”. DISC( Intervertebral Disc) is a rubber bush like structure between any two individual VERTEBRAE ( small brick like bones ) of the Spinal Column. They give flexibility to the BACKBONE (Spinal Column) and act like shock absorbers. The SPINAL CORD (Main Cable of nerves from the Brain) , is inside the BACKBONE, and a pair of SPINAL NERVES exit,from the spinal cord at each one of the 33 levels, one for Right side and another for Left side. SPINAL NERVES (Branches from Spinal Cord ) supply sensation and power to different parts of body - upper limbs and lower limbs.SCIATICA is caused by compression of the Nerve Roots supplying the legs, most commonly due to SLIPPED DISC L4/5 & L5/S1.
90% of patients of Sciatica recover in 4 to 6 weeks, with Conservative treatment with Medications, Physiotherapy and precautions. Patients are advised NOT TO BEND FORWARD AND NOT TO LIFT WEIGHT.
If no relief occurs in 6-8 weeks of conservative treatment, Surgery- MicroDicsectomy / Laminectomy and Discectomy may be indicated if MRI proves a correlating Disc Herniation( Slipped Disc). It gives immediate relief of leg pain and related symptoms of Sciatica.
Urgent surgery is indicated if there is Cauda Equina Syndrome ( Numbness in Perineal region- Saddle Anaesthesia, disturbance in control of urination and passing motion) or if there is weakness of Foot or Toes( Difficulty in walking on Toes or Heels).