Dr V.A Senthil Kumar from Delhi Ortho Spine Center, Mayur Vihar, Delhi, will be conducting a health awareness program through Online Video , on the occassion of World Osteoporosis Day and Arthritis Day, for the your benefit. In this program, Dr V.A Senthil Kumar will provide information about the problems caused by weak bones ( Osteoporosis) and about Arthritis and joint pains.
Our program will be organized by virtual mode (through online video).
*Time: 12: 00 noon-1: 00pm*
*Date: 1/11/2020 (Sunday)*
Dr V.A Senthil Kumar will talk about weak bones, back pain, knee pain, neck pain , Sciatica and shoulder pain and how to prevent and deal with them.
Dr Nair will give information on Physiotherapy and exercises for back pain, knee pain, neck and shoulder pain.
If you wish to join this program, please contact this number. Give us your e-Mail ID on WhatsApp. We will send you a link on your e-Mail through which you will be able to join our program. You can get free advice from the doctor and physiotherapist.
Our contact number for WhatsApp is -7838567422 (Kawaljeet)
E-Mail id-doscclinic@gmail.com